- Upon importing your focus tree, your files will be scheduled for import; This should take no longer than 10 minutes. This is to ensure the whole focus tree gets imported, especially with larger focus trees. You will recieve an email when the import is complete.
- Hoi4 country maker Works with every Nation in the game. Custom nations You can now make custom nations, in the way that HOI4 Will let you Cornflakes Update HoI4 DD 1 map. Save it as image or JavaScript code for easy publishing on your own website.
Over the past three days, I’ve had a lot of free time on my hands, which means I’ve finished two more trees. Today, I’ll be going over the focus tree for Hungary.
This mod is already in a good time in steam, but I decided to post here on Moddb. This mod is the Focus Tree of mod (The Epic War) Focus Tree for: Austria Belgium Holand Norway Sweden Finland USSR Greece Bulgaria Turkey Iraq Iran Ireland Brazil Denmark.
Hungary is an interesting country to model because, in real life, Hungary had a bloodless revolution in 1919 which resulted in the establishment of a Communist government, which only lasted for a few months before being overthrown by Romania. I tried a few different ways of representing this in-game, before deciding that it would be the beginning of the tree.
After the first few focuses are complete and Bela Kun is in power, the player has three paths to choose from: liberalism, fascism, and communism.
Liberal Path (27 focuses):
This path allows the player to align with Britain and France, develop national industry, and build a strong defensive military. This puts the player in a unique position to attack Germany or Italy should they go fascist or communist. However, this tree forces the player to renounce all claims on territory not yet owned by the player. This makes it a great choice for Hungary if it is released with all of its territory, as opposed to its modern borders.
Fascist Path (25 focuses):
Hoi 4 Modding
This path brings the player into the sphere of whatever large fascist power emerged from the ruins of WWI. It allows the player to build up a very strong military and claim all the land that Hungary took during WWII in real life. Additional policies allow for bonuses to national unity, production speed, etc. This is best for playing an aggressive, expansionist Hungary.
Communist Path (29 focuses):
This path allows the player to keep Bela Kun and friends in power. Since historically one of the Hungarian Communists’ most popular demands was to restore Hungary’s old borders from before annexation into Austria, this tree gives the player claims on that territory as well. Economic policies allow the player to develop national industry either through a planned economy or a state capitalist economy (NEP-style). The player also has a choice between being more authoritarian or not in administrating the new Communist government, which can align them either towards Spartacist Germany or Soviet Russia depending on which form and which path each chooses respectively.
Hoi4 Tech Tree Modding
That’s a very brief overview of the Hungarian tree. Soon I’ll give an update on the Russian tree, and sometime later the now-in-progress Italian focus tree. See you then!